OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Modify Frame

A new functionality has been added allowing you to modify Support frames (Cantilevers, L-Frames, T-Frames and U-Frames) and Shoes to accommodate for relocation or structural components or pipe components.

Accessed from:
When you select the command then pick a frame in the model, the following dialog opens:

Use the parameters to modify the length of the frame to adjust for the relocation of the pipe or structure the support is anchored to and/or supporting.

Be sure to select the anchor point to be used when modifying the frame.

There are many different scenarios where this can be applied. Below are a couple of examples of how it operates with a standard Cantilever support frame. The initial placement of the Cantilever Frame is shown below.

Cantilever - Pipe moved away from the structure

In OPM, pipe is moved 150mm away from the structure:
To increase the length of the cantilever, first select Model Operations > Modify Frame and then select the frame when prompted. In the Modify Frame Dialog, enter the following values:

This will increase the length of the cantilever by 150mm away from the structure, and move the pipe connect point 150mm away from the structure.

After pressing OK, the cantilever should now be correct:

Cantilever - Pipe moved towards the structure

In OPM, the pipe is moved 50mm closer to the structure:
Select Modify Frame, select the frame, and enter:
Note that the delta length is negative, this will result in the length of cantilever being decreased by 50mm. Press OK, and the results should be: